品味非洲生活展 African Leisure Lifestyle Expo



歡迎私訊 wowAfrica Living 旅非選物,索取「台南品味週 VIP 門票」。期待在活動現場見到你!


參觀時間|2021/09/03(五) - 09/06(一) 10:00 - 17:00
攤位資訊|南紡世貿 A129 展位(台南市仁德區義林路 77 號)


Nigeria trade office in Taiwan and wowAfrica collaborated to hold an African leisure lifestyle expo in Tainan lifestyle week. You can buy handicrafts and high-quality products from African countries at our booth, as well as understand better about Africa's largest market, Nigeria.

"Tainan Lifestyle Week" is a large-scale exhibition that combines five different exhibitions into one. Tainan International Wine Show, the Tainan International Coffee and Cuisine Show, the Taiwan Tea Industry Expo, and the Tainan Auto & Motocyle Show are also held.

Please send a private message to wowAfrica Living requesting "Tainan Lifestyle Week VIP Tickets." We are looking forward to seeing you!

▍Event information
Date : 2021/09/03(Fri) - 09/06(Mon)
Time:10:00 a.m. - 17:00 p.m.
Location:Commercial exhibition center Tainan
Our booth:No. A129
More information:Official website of ''Tainan lifestyle week ‘’ 
